Monthly Overview
I think the last year can only be described as success story for our centre when looking back at the volumes we have seen in support of our centre on the rally fields. Majority have been full or very well supported. Thank you everyone.
September seen our Annual AGM of the Derbyshire Centre CAMC held at held at 14:00 on Saturday 21st September 2024 at Middleton Village Hall, Main St, Middleton, Matlock. The AGM was well supported and the motions that were received were voted on and passed.
We have welcomed some new additions to our committee for the next year including Rally Secretary Howard Moorby, Assistant Rally Sec Zara Young, Plaque Officer Sherry Wilson, Social Media Officer Ant Turner and Committee Member. Michelle Turner.
Thank you to our retiring committee for their hard work Andrea Toplis and Dawn Rolt.
Our planned 2025 Rally Schedule is planned to go live on Sunday 6th October @5pm.
We only had the one centre rally in September and this was held at Lee’s Meadow from the 20th – 22nd September.
The rally had 19 Units all Derbyshire Members in attendance. The rally seen almost every aspect of changing weather including Sun, Rain, Wind, Thunder, Lighting…. But we did get away without any snow.
The Sunday seen after a night of torrential rainfall us agreeing to cancel the planned Flag as there were no first time ralliers and everyone was a Derbyshire member, everyone vacated the rally field with no issues.
To Finish…
At the AGM our Treasurer Simon Toplis has informed the centre and the committee that this will be his last year serving the role and has asked anyone interested in taking the position on to come forward now and let him give the shadowing and knowledge needed for a smooth transition, if you are interested, please come forward, without this position the centre cannot run.
Our next committee meeting is to be held Tuesday 8th October @ 7.30pm on Teams.
Scott Wanless
Chairman, Derbyshire Centre CAMC